Valentine Special Large Double with Ensuite bathroom

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Enjoy our Valentine Special of dinner at Bangla Indian Restaurant followed by Bed & Breakfast at Hargreaves House in our large king-size room with ensuite bathroom.

Available for check-ins between Saturday 11th and 18th February inclusive. Includes Bubbl


General amenities
  • Hair shampoo
  • Hair conditioner
  • Bath Robes - Luxurious and soft
  • Steam iron and ironing board
  • Towels - Luxurious and soft
  • Clothes hangers
  • Shower gel
  • Hairdryer
Bedroom furnishings
  • Hollow-Fibre pillows
  • Bedside lamps
  • Luxury Firm Mattress
  • Table / Desk
  • Bed - King-sized (5 feet wide)
  • Luxurious bedding
  • Wardrobe
  • Use of Computer and printer
  • Free wireless Internet access
  • DVD Player
  • Digital Flat screen Multi-Channel Television
  • Chocolates
  • Biscuits
  • Tea and coffee making facilities
  • Kettle
House amenities
  • Double glazing
  • Oil Fired Heating
  • Freshly wrapped Bouquet


  • 78 Seacliff Road
  • Bangor
  • County Down
  • BT20 5EZ
  • Northern Ireland
  • United Kingdom

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